Saturday, January 22, 2011


i am returning to this blog after starting a different one. not sure why i started the other one and when i figure out how to get rid of it i will do so.
i have been reconnecting with souls from my past lately. friends with whom i was privileged to journey for a season. students we worked with when we were at ubc, austin and who became dear to us. time has passed. they're lives have taken many different paths and they are in many different places in life.
we have reconnected through facebook. i got on facebook when it first came out because i was working with college students and it was the best way to remind them of meetings, etc. i never dreamed it would reconnect me with so many friends.
i have always been one to try to keep up with my friends. ask any of them and they will tell you i have been sending them Christmas cards (until i lost track of them) and with many i have written letters. i am not sure why it is important for me to keep up with friends who are no longer along my path, but i guess it is my way of keeping them with me. i do love my friends. i do love people.
i am thankful to fb for this gift of reconnecting. and grateful to God for keeping them all in His care.