Monday, December 29, 2008


i am visiting my parents at their home in north carolina and realizing i think of baltimore as home. we have only been there for 7 mos but it is home. why is that? we have lived other places for much longer. maybe it isn't that baltimore is home but my heart is home and that is where it wants to be. teaching my 4 teenage girls in Bible study, meeting my new neighbors, learning the city through the people who live there, loving our congregation, praying for them daily, working my job to help another church serve God, bringing grace and peace to those who need it. i love doing these things and for now that is baltimore. i never would have imagined it...but God did.
my heart is also pleased to know that my oldest son, adam, is going to be living with us for the next 8 mos while he takes a certification course from hopkins in digital game design. i pray that this will be his bridge to life independence. i will enjoy each and every moment i have with him because i know it will be our last sharing home space. he will be busy and i will not see him much but will cherish each moment.
as i am here i keep taking pictures of my parents. i have this desire to cherish each moment with them. maybe it is because so many of my friends don't have their parents here on earth anymore. i am thankful that they are well and getting along very well. i just want to hold little things close to my heart, such as my momma making apple cobbler, daddy making a fire and tending to it, talks around the kitchen table, watching them bow their heads and thank God before each and every meal. oh how i do love my parents. i hold them deep within my heart.
home is my heart and it is full.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Abba, may this blog be for Your glory. may it bring me to the center of my soul where You, O Lord, reside. amen.